Elecktra & Átomo
In this exhibition the artist shows his main artistic production performed during 2021. Executed pictorially from April to December, the series is about the semi-identical twins Elektra & Atom, and its science-fiction theme reflects a chronicle of the pandemic times we are going through. As the modern Romulus & Remus the mother who feeds them instead of being a wolf is technology and machines. A series dedicated by the artist to his mother, and to all mothers, and to what they represent.
In his technique Pacorrosa detaches from the mathematical perfection of the digital aesthetics. Deliberately imperfect, the artist is away from the idealised binary appearance of today’s design reflected by the current norms and tendencies overall in art.
At the same time with this technique the artist represents a bio-digitalised universe by the nanotechnology, which means that this work is mostly closer to something natural opposed to the perfectionist, digitalised and vectored way which humans have accepted as the norm. To explain it in a simpler way, it is like the relationship between the circle and the ring.
These paintings tell the story of the 21st century twins, a morphologically developed beings through the inoculation of nanotechnology during their gestation. This provides them with telepathic and empathic abilities. With the time they develop these qualities up to a level in which they can communicate with the past, which is our present. They pretend to change certain past events, which have determined their development.
Deprived from having any contact with their biological mother from the 27th of September 2021, they start asking for help through the creations of the artist Pacorrosa among others, as the telepathic frequency they use is the estate of consciousness activated during the creative process, in connection with the collective consciousness.
This work speaks about the essential role of the mother and her importance in the development of the social personality of human beings.
Conceptually it delves into the idea of the self-fulfilled prophecy, where the organisation in charge of transforming the evolution of these special twins, using the latest technology with nanorobots, based in the conspirative believe that multinationals and the people who rule the world can insert nano-robots in the world population, in the covid-19 vaccine, in order to control them and to provoke the Great Reboot in the history of our civilisation. Through this international act, each human being can be manipulated, both psychologically and morphologically, controlling their actions and health.
Elektra & Atom are the super heroes in charge of preventing and abolishing this conspiracy, forcing the nanorobots to leave the bodies of the people they have occupied like parasites, using a super human telepathic connection.
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